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【海外华人直播】的朋友们,大家好。今天是2019年08月 31日。【海外华人直播】的朋友们,大家好。今天是2019年08月 31日。【海外华人直播】播报 1则新闻: 路透社披露:中国曾拒绝港府平息抗议的计划. 文章来源: VOA 于 2019-08-30 。新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表海外华人直播的立场! -- 路透社星期五(8月30日)一篇独家报道说,香港特首林郑月娥曾向北京提交一份报告。该报告对抗议者提出的五大诉求进行了评估,并认为撤回《逃犯条例》有助于化解香港不断升级的政治危机。但港府的提议遭到北京的拒绝。 3名直接了解这一情况的人士对路透社说,北京拒绝了撤回《逃犯条例》的建议,并下令林郑月娥也不要对抗议者的其他诉求作出让步。 这几位知情人士对路透社说,林郑月娥的报告对五大诉求的可行性进行了研究,分析了如何对其中某些诉求作出让步,以便有可能令局势平息下来。 路透社的报道说,除了对要求撤销修订《逃犯条例》进行了研究之外,香港政府还考虑了抗议者提出的成立独立调查委员会、争取真正民主选举、收回将抗议定性为暴动、和撤销对被捕抗议者的控告等要求。 林郑月娥曾表示逃犯修例修订已寿终正寝、已经死亡,但拒绝明确说将撤回草案。路透社采访的一名北京高级官员透露说,北京对林郑月娥说不要撤回条例,也不能对警察过度使用武力进行调查。 其中一名消息人士是港府高级官员,他对路透社说,撤回修订条例和进行独立调查被视为政治上最可行,有助安抚一些不满林郑月娥沉默的较温和的示威者。 另一名跟香港官员有密切关系的知情人士也证实,北京对所有五大诉求都说不。他说:“局势远比大多数人意识到的要复杂得多。” 三名消息人士中的第三人说,香港政府向政治局常委韩正领导的中央港澳工作协调小组提交了这一报告。这名中国高级官员还说,习近平也了解此事。 林郑月娥的办公室在书面回应路透社有关询问时说,港府曾努力解决抗议者所关心的问题,但是没有直接评论港府是否曾经向北京提出过建议,以及是否接到过北京的指示。此外,中国国务院港澳事务办公室也没有对路透社的有关问题作出回应。 路透社的报道说,他们没有看到这篇报告,也无法确定报告遭到拒绝的具体时间。 一名不愿意透露姓名、最近曾见到过林郑月娥的工商界人士对路透社说,林郑月娥现在也是无能为力,北京不让她撤回条例。 --...
温哥华华裔住宅遭人涂鸦 “香港是中国一部分”(组图) 文章来源: 星岛日报 于 2019-08-29
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【海外华人直播】的朋友们,大家好。今天是2019年08月30 日 。 【 海外华人直播】播报 1则新闻: 。 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表海外华人直播 的立场!温哥华华裔住宅遭人涂鸦 “香港是中国一部分”(组图) ■住宅白色车库门上,可见被红色颜料涂鸦的「香港是中国的一部分」英文字句。 卑诗省大温地区高贵林市,一幢住宅周二遭人涂鸦,该房屋车库大门上,被人以红色颜料写上「HK is a part of China」(香港是中国的一部分)字句。该住宅住户并非来自香港,称不清楚事情发生的原因。高贵林警方证实已接到报警并展开调查,更将一位20多岁的亚裔男子列为感兴趣人士。有街坊指,曾目睹一可疑男子驾车而来,并在该住宅车库门上涂鸦。受访街坊表示,该社区一直平静安全,他们对附近发生涂鸦事件感到震惊。 一张住宅车库门遭涂鸦的照片,周二案发后被贴在社交媒体上并流传。《星岛日报》记者周三找到位于高贵林戴维街(David Ave.)夹海岸子午线路(Coast Meridian Rd.)路口附近该遭涂鸦住宅,看到该住宅车库门上的涂鸦已基本被清理,只有部分红色痕迹隐约可见。此处住宅区非常安静,道路两旁多为独立房屋,附近很少有车辆或行人经过。案发住宅不愿透露身份的华裔男户主,在受访时表示,自己并不清楚事情发生的原因,称相信警方,会交由警方处理并等待调查结果。他也希望这件事情不会影响到自己的个人生活,同时也不想给社区带来影响。他强调,附近的街坊都非常友好,不希望给他们带来不便。平静安全小区 街坊震惊有街坊对发生涂鸦事件表示震惊,称该区一直平静安全,此前从没发生过类似事件。该街坊强调无论甚麽情况,在他人物业上肆意涂鸦本身就是不正确的行为,希望不会再发生。另一名已在该区生活5年的住户表示,虽然与涉事住宅的户主不大熟悉,但附近居民向来都非常友好,也没有甚麽政治人物在此居住,不明白怎麽会有这样的涂鸦出现,但他相信这仅是个别的随机发生事件。他还透露,虽然自己没有目睹事发经过,但据隔壁邻居所述,当时该邻居正在阳台上喝咖啡,恰巧看到一名可疑男子,将车辆停靠在路边后,步行到对面涉事住宅前涂鸦。该邻居称不清楚该男子身份,之后已向警方提供相关信息。记者随后前往该名目击邻居处询问,但无人应门。骑警证实展开调查高贵林皇家骑警发言人麦克劳克林(Micha...
【海外華人直播 OCL】向白宫请愿签名承认中共为恐怖组织今满10万人Official Recognition of the CCP as a T...
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贸易战升级川普怒不可遏 称"好友"习近平为"敌人" 文章来源: 法广 于 2019-08-24
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【海外华人直播】 的朋友们,大家好。今天是2019年08月 25日, 【海外华人直播】播报 1则新闻: 贸易战升级川普怒不可遏 称"好友"习近平为"敌人" 文章来源: 法广 于 2019-08-24 . 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表海外华人直播的立场! 美国总统特朗普23日发布推文,首次把习近平公开称为“敌人”。 特朗普在这篇愤怒的推文中,把习近平与美国联储局主席鲍威尔相提并论,他写道:“我唯一的问题是,谁是我们更大的敌人,鲍威尔还是习主席?” 去年12月特朗普曾发推文说:“习主席跟我有非常强大的私人关系。他和我是能在贸易和其他方面,为我们两个伟大国家促成巨大和非常积极改变的仅有的两个人。” 特朗普本月还宣称“习主席是个好人,他是我的朋友”。特朗普还经常刻意声明他不怪习近平造成中美不公平的贸易关系。他上个月说:“我不怪习主席。我怪我们以前的领导人任由这种情况出现。” 不过,特朗普上个月开始淡化他与习近平的交情。他说:“我们现在可能不那么亲近。不过为了国家我必须跟他打交道。” 在过去,不管美中贸易战怎样激烈,特朗普在口中仍然称中国国家主席习近平为“好朋友”,赞扬他的领导,甚至没有太大批评习近平如何处理香港的示威活动。然而23日猛烈抨击习近平是“敌人”,有分析认为,这可能是他对中国宣布加征750亿美国商品关税,主动将两国贸易战升级表达愤怒。 特朗23日在连串推文中还指示美国公司放弃中国,声称美国在不与世界第二大经济体打交道下会好得多。 白宫官员拒绝媒体的要求作出详细说明,只表示总统及其顾问幕僚愈来愈相信,美中要达成贸易协议几乎没有希望。 “战略与国际研究中心”的中国问题专家格拉斯尔(Bonnie Glaser)认为,“这是令人难以置信的语言。 由于总统提出习近平成为敌人的事实,中国会感到震惊。” 另一中国问题专家梅德罗斯(Evan Medeiros ) 表示,过去美中关系最后一个仍有建设性的表现,就是特朗普努力维持与习近平的个人关系,但现在他的言论已经转变,或许这预示着对中国政策已有根本性改变。 福克斯电视新闻评论员、华裔作家章家敦(Gordon Chang)认为 ,“对美国对华政策来说,这是一个惊人的转变,甚至与过去数星...
【海外華人直播 OCL】郭文貴報平安: "有好多好消息傳來! " Mr. Miles Kwok " Good news are coming "
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Proper Posture for a Healthy Spine |Downtown Vancouver Chiropractor | Dr...
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Proper Posture for a Healthy Spine |Downtown Vancouver Chiropractor | Dr...
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Let's stop sexual harassment and violence |Working place|SOP| Compass G...
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BCIT investigating case of ‘sexual misconduct’ on campus | SOP of Compas...
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BCIT investigating case of ‘sexual misconduct’ on campus BCIT调查校园 “性行为不...
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Case study: How you can report a case of "sexual crime or STDs" on campus and BCIT and Compass Group investigating it ?
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BCIT investigating case of ‘sexual misconduct’ on Burnaby campus By Simon Little Online Journalist Global News more BCIT's Burnaby campus. Facebook/BCIT - A A + BCIT says it is investigating a case of “sexual misconduct” that is alleged to have happened on its Burnaby campus last week. According to an email bulletin penned by BCIT’s director of safety, security and emergency management Glen Magel, the incident happened at the campus track and field facility around 6 p.m. on Friday, and involved “inappropriate touching of a BCIT community member by a passing male on a bike.” READ MORE: BCIT introduces Safety Smart Program after voyeurism incident on campus The institution said it has reported the incident to police, and that it was reviewing video footage and had offered support to the alleged victim. BCIT would not say whether the parti...
What do I do if I think I have an STD? Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) |
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This video is made for our dear viewers who maybe exposed in the dangerous of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Some sexually transmitted diseases can be transmitted through food, such as hepatitis A. Some sexually transmitted diseases can be transmitted through contact with clothes and towels, for example, gonorrhea, Chlamydia and syphilis. Consumers may need to know that STD (including HIV) food handlers can work in restaurants in accordance with the law, and consumers need to make smart choices because you can choose to go to another nearby restaurant. You should use the power of the consumer which is you buying power refers to the capacity of an individual customer or a specific market to buy certain quantities of goods and services. What do I do if I think I have an STD? If you are sexually active, talk to your doctor about getting tested for STDs. Make sure to have an open and honest conversation with your doctor about your sexual history so he or she can determin...
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
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Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Share Print Transmission of STIs A sexually transmitted infection (STI) is an infection that you can get from having sex with a person who is infected. Sex can mean oral sex (mouth on genitals), vaginal sex (penis in vagina) or anal sex (penis in anus). People can have STIs and have no signs or symptoms of disease. Common STI Fact Sheets Chlamydia Crabs Genital Herpes Gonorrhea Hepatitis A (CATIE) Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) HPV (Human Papillomavirus) LGV (Lymphogranuloma venereum) Molluscum Contagiosum Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Syphilis Trichomoniasis https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/health-wellness-care/health-programs-advice/sexually-transmitted-infections-stis/
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【海外华人直播】的朋友们,大家好。今天是2019年08月22日。...【海外华人直播】的朋友们,大家好。今天是2019年08月22日。【海外华人直播】播报 1则新闻: 华裔学者:“脏话豪车爱国党”只给中国人蒙羞(图) 。新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻 内容并不代表海外华人直播的立场! 香港反送中运动在8.18前后经历激烈危险的对抗,中共严控的媒体和网军努力在中国大陆墙内外讲述“香港故事”,纽约时报评论说:亲北京的活动人士近几天在澳洲、加拿大和欧洲表现不算特别健康。周日,在多伦多,亲大陆的抗议者向一群香港支持者大喊“卖国贼”、“失败者”之类的词语和脏话。一段广为流传的视频显示4辆华丽跑车发动引擎,车窗挂出了中国国旗。在今天的要闻分析节目中,我们邀请旅法华裔学者张伦教授谈谈他的看法。 法广:张伦先生您好,作为一位法国大学教授,您对中国留学生的思想状态有较多了解,您如何分析香港反送中运动以来,海外一些中国留学生的语言暴力,甚至以脏话来“爱国”的丑行呢? 张伦:“送中条例”引发的香港抗议已经持续两个多月了,也引起全中国许多人和海外留学生的关注。最近从澳大利亚到加拿大包括欧洲都有一些留学生的反应,一方面是许多人特别是香港留学生对抗议运动的声援,争取国际的理解和支持。另一方面有一些中国留学生,人数不是很多但是声音很大,他们出来骂香港的抗议者为“港独”,支持北京政府。一方面因为有些人是对香港缺乏了解,出于比较盲目地爱国情绪,其实并不了解香港的抗议运动是怎么回事。 其实“港独”不“港独”,完全不是这次香港抗议运动的主流议题。另外他们这些爱国者大概也不清楚,从近代以来,对中华民族的热爱和支持,香港大概比任何一个华人为主体的城市,都要贡献的多。从抗战到汶川地震200亿捐赠,如果香港人不爱国,他们怎么会做这些事情呢? 这些年轻人可能比较受北京宣传的影响,尽管身在国外,还是较多使用微信这种方式。因此最近有人用“背井离乡”的成语讽刺这些留学生是“背着井”到国外去,结果不看世界,通过微信上中国官方的宣传来判断事情,所以是很令人遗憾的。 我当然理解他们的爱国情感,但不能这样盲目,缺乏对他人的理解,对他人的权利尊严不尊重,特别是张口闭口用下流语言骂香港留学生。就从这点,不光谈不上什么“爱国”,还是尽失中国人脸面,让外国媒体报道。这样一些年轻...
BCIT are committed to providing Sexual Violence and Misconduct
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SAFETY, SECURITY & EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT BCIT are committed to providing Sexual Violence and Misconduct If you have an emergency situation, please call 911. For BCIT campus support and response, contact BCIT Security at 604-451-6856. At the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) we are committed to providing and maintaining a safe and secure learning and working environment where all individuals are free from any form of violence or threat of violence, including sexual violence and misconduct. BCIT does not condone or tolerate any form of sexual violence and misconduct. This web page is designed to provide information about sexual violence and misconduct, resources and relevant Institute policies. What is sexual violence and misconduct? Sexual Violence and Misconduct: any sexual act or act targeting a person's sexuality, gender identity, or gender expression, whether the act is physical or psychological in nature, which is co...
the hightlights of Police-reported sexual assaults in Canada before and after #MeToo, 2016 and 2017
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This is the hightlights of Police-reported sexual assaults in Canada before and after #MeToo, 2016 and 2017 by Cristine Rotenberg and Adam Cotter........ This is the hightlights of Police-reported sexual assaults in Canada before and after #MeToo, 2016 and 2017 by Cristine Rotenberg and Adam Cotter. the Highlights are for the viewers, include any worker in food industry in Richmond, BC, Canada. Among criminal incidents founded by police, there were more police-reported sexual assaults in 2017 than in any year since 1998. In 2017, the number of victims of police-reported sexual assault in Canada peaked in October, coinciding with the widespread #MeToo social media movement. The number of reports made in October and November of 2017 were higher than any other calendar month since comparable data became available in 2009. As was the case before #MeToo, the majority of sexual assaults reported to police after #MeToo had taken place recently; just unde...
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This is the hightlights of Police-reported sexual assaults in Canada before and after #MeToo, 2016 and 2017 by Cristine Rotenberg and Adam Cotter. the Highlights are for the viewers, include any worker in food industry in Richmond, BC, Canada. Among criminal incidents founded by police, there were more police-reported sexual assaults in 2017 than in any year since 1998. In 2017, the number of victims of police-reported sexual assault in Canada peaked in October, coinciding with the widespread #MeToo social media movement. The number of reports made in October and November of 2017 were higher than any other calendar month since comparable data became available in 2009. As was the case before #MeToo, the majority of sexual assaults reported to police after #MeToo had taken place recently; just under half on the day of reporting (47%) and a further one-quarter (26%) within the month leading up to reporting to police. After #MeToo, an increase in historical sexual...
Should people with STD's be allowed to work with food?
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Okay so this topic came up on my facebook a few days ago because of what happened to this woman and I want to know what you ladies think. I personally would say no, they shouldnt be allowed to. I wouldn't want to end up like this poor woman and Ide kill someone if my child ever had his happen to her! I think it would be safer if it was manditory for everyone that was handling or being near the food to get tested, just to be safe. You neber know what horrible people are going to do, this womans life is changed forever all because some asshole wanted to have fun with her food.
Q&A: " If I don't know the food handlers got STDs and I eat the foods , what I should do ?"
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A consumer asked the reporter " What if the food handlers got STDs, and I eat the foods what I should do ?" For the costumers' good , a report asked a family doctor and she said the consumer may take following actions : Keep your receipt and go to see your doctor soon . ( Disclaimer: OCL has “No responsibility” for the guess' suggestions.)
Why employers must against working place sexual harassment ? Sexual harassment is about power, not about sex || Poverty, race, language, and other barriers also put women at risk
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What does sexual harassment look like? Sexual harassment can take many forms Sexual harassment is sexual behaviour that is unwanted. Often the harasser is someone in a position of formal authority, but harassment occurs between co-workers or peers as well. Men are sometimes harassed, but most of the victims of harassment are women. 1 The harasser is almost always male. 2 Sometimes the harassment is directed at a particular woman. It could be in the form of suggestive comments, pressure for sexual contact, or demands for sex in return for a job or other benefit. It can involve unwanted sexual touching or rape (both are sexual assault). Sexual harassment also happens when sexual jokes, sexist remarks, or pin-ups create a hostile and intimidating environment for women. Sometimes the harassment is also directed at a woman's racial or cultural background, sexual orientation, disability, or other personal characteristics. 3 In these cases, the woman is multiply victimized....