Who is Mrs. Ling Kang?
- KANG, Ling (Deputy Director of Statistics Bureau of Qinghai Province)
- Vancouver (OCL) There was a rumors that an anonymous saw a female who 90% looks like Ling Kang's sister in an university restaurant where is near YVR airport.
- KANG, Ling, female, Han nationality, born in July 1966, Linyi County, Gansu Province. She joined the work in September 1987 and joined the Communist Party of China in May 1995. She is a graduate of the Central Party School Correspondence College and is a graduate of the Department of Economic Management. She holds a postgraduate degree and is a senior statistician. [1]
- She is currently the deputy director of the Statistics Bureau of Qinghai Province.
- 1980.09--1983.07 Xining City, the fourteenth high school
- 1983.09--1987.07 Bachelor of Mathematics, Hunan University
- 1987.09--1997.05 Department of General Affairs, Deputy Director, Department of Statistics, Qinghai Province
- 1997.05--2000.11 Deputy Researcher, Department of General Affairs, Qinghai Provincial Bureau of Statistics
- 2000.11--2010.03 Director, Department of General Affairs, Qinghai Provincial Bureau of Statistics
- 2010.04--2011.08 Director of the General Division of the Statistics Bureau of Qinghai Province, Chief Statistician (at the level)
- 2011.09--2016.07 Chief Statistician of Qinghai Provincial Bureau of Statistics (Deputy Department Level)
- 2016.07--Deputy Director of Statistics Bureau of Qinghai Province [2]
- Appointment and disability information editing
- In July 2016, Comrade Kang Ling was appointed as the deputy director of the Statistics Bureau of Qinghai Province; the general statistician of the Statistics Bureau of Qinghai Province was removed. [3]
- Someone heard a rumor that an anonymous person saw a woman in a university restaurant near YVR Airport, and it looks 90% like her sister. The above information has not been confirmed by the relevant units and individuals.
- Reference material
- 1. Kang Ling. Qinghai Statistical Information Network [reference date 2014-10-29]
- 2. [Director and Deputy Director of Statistics Bureau of Qinghai Province]. Qinghai Provincial Bureau of Statistics
- 3. Notice on the appointment and dismissal of Kang Ling's comrades. Qinghai Provincial People's Government
https://youtu.be/DO0N-ASOneQ- https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%BA%B7%E7%8E%B2/15973006https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%BA%B7%E7%8E%B2/15973006
- 康玲 (青海省统计局副局长) 编辑
- 康玲,女,汉族,1966年7月出生,甘肃临洮县人。1987年9月参加工作,1995年5月加入中国共产党,中央党校函授学院党员领导干部经济管理专业毕业,在职研究生学历,高级统计师。 [1]
- 现任青海省统计局副局长。
- 目录
- 1 人物履历
- 2 任免信息
- 人物履历编辑
- 1980.09--1983.07西宁市第十四中读高中
- 1983.09--1987.07湖南大学数学系本科学习
- 1987.09--1997.05青海省统计局综合处科员、副主科
- 1997.05--2000.11青海省统计局综合处副调研员
- 2000.11--2010.03青海省统计局综合处处长5
- 2010.04--2011.08青海省统计局综合处处长、总统计师(正处级)
- 2011.09--2016.07青海省统计局总统计师(副厅级)
- 2016.07--青海省统计局副局长 [2]
- 2016年7月,任命康玲同志为青海省统计局副局长;免去青海省统计局总统计师职务。 [3]
以上信息没有经过向相关单位和个人电话证实。有人听到谣言说,一位匿名人士在YVR机场附近的一家大学饭店里看到一位女性,看起来90%像她的姐姐.- 参考资料
- 1. 康玲 .青海统计信息网
- 2. 【青海省统计局局长、副局长】 .青海省统计局
- 3. 关于康玲等同志职务任免的通知 .青海省人民政府
- https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%BA%B7%E7%8E%B2/15973006
- Why Zhu Ling, the poisoning case victim, is back in spotlight again 18 years later?
- https://youtu.be/DO0N-ASOneQ